Work in Progress
Venø is working on a Performance Art film, where one action is performed each week for one year.
In 2020, Venø returned to the farm where he grew up with his spouse and their two young children.
As both a healing process, a reclaiming of the space, and an exploration of his ideas of The Arthemist, Venø started this project. The aim is to provide people with tools they can use to explore for themselves. These tools are not literal; they are a frame of mind and a way of being that Venø hopes one can discover through these actions. It is not Venø's purpose to dictate or preach but to inspire and teach.
Venø is the author of the book "Arthemist Statement 2.6: Why Create Art Nobody Asked For?" More information about the book can be found at:
Up Next in Season ONE
The Arthemist | Reef and tree | 240713
Work in Progress
Venø is working on a Performance Art film, where one action is performed each week for one year.
In 2020, Venø returned to the farm where he grew up with his spouse and their two young children.
As both a healing process, a reclaiming of the space, and an exploration of his i...
The Arthemist | Rope & Tree | 240806
Work in Progress
Venø is working on a Performance Art film, where one action is performed each week for one year.
In 2020, Venø returned to the farm where he grew up with his spouse and their two young children.
As both a healing process, a reclaiming of the space, and an exploration of his i...
The Arthemist | Smør Kvern | 240820
Work in Progress
Venø is working on a Performance Art film, where one action is performed each week for one year.
In 2020, Venø returned to the farm where he grew up with his spouse and their two young children.
As both a healing process, a reclaiming of the space, and an exploration of his i...